The first dress was a little snug around her mid-section so I went back to the drawing board and altered my pattern a bit. I think she is much happier with this one as she is totally vogue-ing for the camera....what a ham!

She says she has had enough and the diva retreats to her dressing room
that's so cool! the first one makes me think of molly ringwald in pretty in pink....not sure why though??
too cute!
martha, these are adorable! gave me a great smile today, thanks :)
oh so cute!!
models can be so BITCHY can't they? lol.
I see the skulls now! How awesome is this or what?!!
I love em!
LOL, so darn cute!
Super cute!
ohmygosh look at her little tail!
aw they are so adorable, haha i love the curled up tail tooooo cute.
OMG how adorable!!!! lol So so cute, Marth!
Hahahahah!!!! Cool pics. Mika (www.mikascrap.typepad.com)
Could she be any cuter ? I think not (but you'll probably say "game on" ! lol !)
You just rocked the sewing machine !
he he...aaaw....how cute!! Love the little dresses...=)
oh my goodness, that's so darling!!!
i love the red one. can you make one for me?
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