So the temperature has dropped by about a gazillion degrees here today...brrrrrr! It is so cold, the kind of cold that takes your breath away and makes you wonder why you ever moved somewhere where it even gets this cold...ugh! It's a good night to snuggle up on the couch with some Chinese take-out and a couple of pugs and watch American Idol that I Tivo's last since I was at our Chicagoland Craft Collective meeting and missed it...totally worth it though since we had yummy Portillos, made ribbon flowers and met new people like this talented gal :)
Oh my goodness, hehe. I like those pictures. Slowly they get tired, and more tired, haha. So cute!:)
Those pics are flippin' hysterical! I love 'em! Too bad I can't dress up my cats.
oh man..so freakin cute!! i love the 3rd pic where Puggy is exhausted..haha
I love the one of him/her (sorry I have no idea) laying flat out on the chair, too funny. I want a pug to take cute photos of now!
This is THE setting for such royal highnesses !
SO TRUE! I wish I could have stayed!
Seriously the pictures are THE CUTE!! Nan
Oh and KIM ROCKS!!!
The pug takeover of both hemispheres is nearly complete.
LOL!!! those pictures are priceless!
Its getting colder and colder here too, brr! Can't wait for spring! :)
Have a great weekend!
Stay warm :)
Martha! I just got a Japanese costume book for dogs- even Pug sized! Yep... i got to get back to it... *whine while watching Johnny Depp on 21 jump street* nancy
Hi Martha! Love your blog and really love it when you post pics of the pooches! They are so sweet! I posted a picture of my pooch on my blog if you would like to take a look at him. His name is Jack, he is a white boxer. Take care!
hehehe!! Tooooooo cute!!!
I love seeing these pictures. So cute. Hope you are doing good!
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