Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Some exciting news!

O.k., so in the past week, everything has just been going really well....first there was the Martha Stewart contest, then Morrissy last night which was amazing and then I go to check out the zingBOOM blog this morning to find out that I have been chosen to be on her DT!!!! Kristen puts together the ~coolest~ kits and honestly they are the only kits I have ever purchased on a monthly basis. She chose 2 other DT members, the insanely talented Amber Ulmer and Ronee Parsons.


Nura Keif said...


china59 said...

Congrats Martha ! Well deserved !

Tina said...

Not sure why I haven't found your blog before the Zingboom annoucement but stuff in amazing!

Much congrats! A well deserved win-


Amber said...

That is fantastic!! Congrats Martha!!

Amber Ulmer said...

uber excited w/you girlie!!!! gonna be awesome!!!! woo hoo!!

michelle raMirez said...

huge congrats to you on Zingboom!!
you are gonna kill those kits for sure.
so happy i found your blog now too.
LOVE it and all your finds.
congrats on the Martha win too!!
you are on fire

Anonymous said...

Well now I *have* to get the Zingboom kits! Way to go Martha!

Kim Langston said...

Congratulations on the DT. You are a perfect fit for it!

Michelle said...

Yay, Martha!! I was so happy when I saw your name on the Zingboom blog!! Can't wait to see more awesome vintage-puppiness....=)

Barbie said...

Congrats!!! Love Love Love your work... so much fun!!!

Monica said...

yay you!!

Craft Accident said...

yay! I get to see more stuff from Zing Boom! Hooray!!!!

Karma Rocks.

justem said...

Yay Congrats!! :)

Shelly Brewer said...

martha!!! I was so excited to see your name on the website this morning!! NO ONE deserves that spot more than you!! You are gonna do a fab job!!

Elke Hollic =^..^= said...

Congratulations! Your mister came in and told me the news this afternoon right before he shared with me that he did indeed enjoy the Morrissey show!hehe Glad to hear you guys had a great time!

FlipFlop Mom said...

Good for you girl!! YAY!!!

zingBOOM said...


Cammeron said...

Wow!! Congratulations!!