Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My First Crop

So this weekend I went to my first crop ever! A bunch of us girls from over at
SIStv met up for an Illinois/Wisconsin crop, it was so fun to finally get to meet everyone in person. I was terrified that I wasn't going to have everything I needed so I kind of way overpacked, Bob had given me a Joann's gift card a couple of months ago so between it and a coupon I got a sweet deal on this....

I had to Martha-fy it with Jack Skellington of course :)

Speaking of cool people that I got to meet, I got to scrap next to Elly!

...and her gnome :)

I can't believe how much I got done! I did my next Category Stories LO, I did 2 more LOs with the October My Favorite Memories kit and did a couple for myself

^^That's my starstruck friend Nancy along with her pug Aine and Olympic snowboarder Shaun White

I received my October Label Tulip kit on Saturday so I was able to take it with me on Sunday and I got 3 LOs done...here are a couple of sneaky peeks :)

I can't wait until we get to do it again!


Nan and B.A.G.S. the pug said...

*squee* okay ..no squee gosh darnit - blogger ate my comment to you.

PMed Cricket... an email might be going out for the next crop at archivers... you in?!

Was it not seriously fun OR what.

*shakes fist at my joannes* check my blog... my wheely is a bastard stepchild to yours let me TELL YOU. Granted, I did get it for a steal so I will have to doctorate it with muchos's ...something. Don't think stickers will cut it though... Hmm.

OH. Can I just say the LO of moi and the shaunster ROCKS? Of course I am biased. *hee* Also the PIXIE IS THE BOMB man! Her dress fits her PERFECTLY. HUGS! Nan

Michelle said...

awesome pages, Martha..sounds like the crop was a blast...how could it not be with cool girls, a gnome, and skulls on your crop in style?? sweeeet...can't wait to see your label tulip goodies!! =)

Anonymous said...

WOW! You got tons done! I talk more than scrap at the crops LOL go figure..

Fantastic LOs - as always. I am diggin the Label Tulip kits. Maybe when the current club is up I'll switch over there.

YAY Pugs!

Deanna said...

ok, you two are adorable!
I am so glad you guys had fun at the crop!!


Cricket said...

That is a great pic of you and Elly!! and I'm loving your layouts, you so rock the scrappin' world!!

It was a so nice to finally get to meet you, can't wait until we can crop again!!


Elke Hollic =^..^= said...

I understand that you scrapped... but did you kill as many zombies and vampires as you could?
And does Mugsy get to be a lobster?I would love to see a LO of that.

I blame this post on the plague that I have.


Cathy Pascual said...

you did get a lot done!
when I go to crops I can barely get one done!

Cammeron said...

Dang, Martha, you look hot!

Amber Ulmer said...

supa cute!!! love the layouts... love the crop tote!!! love the actual full picture of YOU!!! How fun! And... Im really stoked that your heading this way for Scrap ETC!! Can't wait to kick it! xoxo

Stephanie Jedlicka said...

How fun!! :)

AMAZING layouts! You got so much done! Aren't crops with SISters the best!? :)

Lyndsay Breid said...

Look at how CUTE you and Elly are! Aww!

(newbie to your blog, here! *waves*)

Love your work - totally rad!

Katy said...

Woah! your tote is stylish, understated... ok just plain frikkin awesome!

ps... you've been tagged! Check out my blog for details!

Jamie Ko said...

aren't crops fun? just a gaggle of scrappy people, chatting eating laughing creating the day away...sometimes I'm amazed that I can even get one thing done!

your LT stuff looks awesome! I think i want to do mine over now...

miss morgan... said...

how fun! so jealous of you illinois ladies! and that october label tulip kit looks totally hot! i'll have to check that one out!

Silje Røe Hagland said...

Sounds like you had fun at the crop! :)
Loving your new layouts!! wow, your style is amazing!

Hope you're having a fun weekend!

Scrappermania said...

Beautiful, love the layouts and the crop tote!!!

Lorena said...

What fun layouts...especially the "Vogue," one!