Whew! Kim, Sarah, Melissa and I are exhausted after checking out aisle after ailse of new goodies today. First of all, I just have how nice it is to be in sunny Anaheim where it was in the 70's today vs. Chicago where it was only in the single digits. We had lunch outside and basked in the sun...I may never go home :) here are some quick pics from today:
Jenni Bowlin...yummy!

Elvis is in the building...

Kim with our make and take from Crafty Chica

Scissors......with skulls! at Fiskars

Pugs...they are everywhere!

We are starving so we are going to go grab something to eat and will then update
Craft Critique with our Pick Of the Day and other fun stuff!
Looks like your having some fun girlie! Thanks for sharing!!! :)
Okay You must be over the moon - skulls and PUGS!
*SQUEE* Did you see Love Elsie "Daisy" line yet?!! PLEASE take picys ORR...take... IF YOU CAN! lol.
FINALLY Pugs rule the world man.
SERIOUSLY you have to tell me all about the puggie goodies so I can SUPPORT them hotly. *mwwahahahah*
So sorry I missed out on Valenpug, but we are having an awfully good time here in sunny CA :-) OH I BET YOU ARE! LOL. But seriously did you SEE all the fun stuff I got at the silent auction? Also! I didn't tell you - I got asked to do a home visit!! Should I bring Aine? Or is that a bad thing?
I am loving the pictures and the peeks!!! You didn't go through all of CHA already did you? Omg! DETAILS WOMAN! Glad you are havin fun!!!! Hugs! Nan and Aine
yay! hope your overload passes and the food is good. get some rest and can't wait to see more pics tomorrow! xoxo!
look at all that yummiest! and so ya know, i'm supa jealous and even more jealous that you are getting to hang out with kimberly!
hope you guys to continue to have a blast and soak up that sun while ya can :)
{elizabeth} at sis
Martha- love it, want it, got to have it all! I want to know where all the PUG schtuff is, of course, so I can buy it too. Groovy skull scissors. Can't wait to see more fun schtuff!!!!
Love that pic of you with the CHA Churro....noticed your yoyo flowers on your top...cute.
Bring back some warm weather.
OO love seeing things from CHA, thanks for sharing and have a great time basking in the sun while I freeze in my single digit weather hehe.
so cool running into you girls.
and hello?
how did i miss that killer make and take?
safe travels back home.
Show more pug stuff!!! And who do I think popularized pugs? Duh, Mugsy & you. Cute seeing you in your yo-yo top.
*LOVE* that little black & red pug! You must tell me where I can find one! So glad you're having a fun time!
P.S. We got our first real snow (which is now iced over on top) yesterday. Gidget & Spanky were absolutely hating me this morning!
I love that pug thing. So cute!
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