It's a cool little store jam packed with fun little dime store store goodies and such. We loaded up on stocking stuffers like robots, smoking monkies and skull keychains. We were able to pass up the rubber chickens though :)

I was able to talk Bob into stopping at Windy City Scrapbooking for a few minutes. I walked out with one piece of lace cardstock...that's it! I was quite proud of myself but I honestly felt like I have one of everything at home right now so I was able to restrain myself.
We were starving at this point so we went to Hot Doug's the sausage superstore and encased meats emporium :) If you live in the midwest you know that encased meats are a vital part of our lives here. Our friends Megan and Jim introduced me to Hot Doug's a couple of weeks ago so I knew I had to take Bob there.

I had a wild mushroom and cognac turkey sausage with a yummy cranberry mustard and Bob had an artichoke and Kalamata chicken sausage...yummmmmm-o! They have delicious duck fat (I know, duck fat eeewwwwww, but they are so good!) fries but alas those are only served on Friday and Saturday....maybe next time :)
Sounds like a great trip to the city! I know what ya mean, living so close yet I only seem to make it into the city about twice a year....I usually take Mandi downtown during December to see the decorations...
oh deliciousness!!! I love me some sausage!! Im from up north so I love me some polish food!!
I see some fun pages coming out of those sign pictures!!
This makes me really want to go to Chicago! I love venturing into big cities for shopping and sight seeing. I live about 40 minutes from L.A., but it's funny how a city so close to you doesn't sound as exciting as one that's far away!
oooh windy city. i was able to get there when i was in chicago for cha and i loved it!
We used to live right by Uncle Fun! :)
omg fun! will you want to go to Windy City next week?
Oh! Forgot to say - Check your mail - 12 hour crop on Dec 29 saturday? YES? YES!! We already have a table full - we have a few more left... email me! Hugs!
Love the pics! Your blog is making me hungry though! hehe. That rubber chicken, I so need one!
yay!!! Encased Meats and Uncle Fun's!
You crack me up!
fun stuff! :)
love the sign pictures! =) sounds like you visited some cool places!
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