Sunday, September 7, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Sweater weather....
This is the banner that we will be making in my class at Craft Fancy next month.

Class dates are going to be up on their calendar soon so you can give them a call or stop in to sign up!
My first challenge with Lotus Paperie is up...this is the sketch I worked from
And the LO I made from it
I had every intention of working on some stuff this morning before going to work this afternoon but I am having a serious lack-of-Mt. Dew-headache...Better today than tomorrow as I am going to the Kane County flea market.
If you live in the area, be sure to check out my friend Sarah's huge yard sale this weekend...she is selling a ton of stamps and other crafty stuff and most of it is under $5...just click here for her addy.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Sew be it...

Mugsy says he is enjoying the new color scheme...he finds it quite soothing

I had a couple of emails about the paint color we used...it's Ralph Lauren Limeade Green.
I finished up my project this morning for the next class I will be teaching at
Craft Fancy..here is a sneak peek for now, dates and details coming soon!

Sunday, August 31, 2008
{insert catchy title here}

so we now have an accent wall painted in this fabulous color...

and a few rugs thanks to Ikea

I am now on the hunt for a couple of lamps and some pillows in this color and am trying to be frugal about it...as much as I love Pottery Barn, $45 pillows and $125 lamps just aren't going to happen right now!
Pixie seems to have recovered quite well from the dryer sheet incident...she is as spunky as ever and didn't miss a beat :)
After making an altered book at our crop I am totally addicted to them now as I have made 2 more this week!

Alright, I am off to the fabric store to see if I can track down some fabric in that fabulous green...hope everyone has a great rest-of-the-holiday weekend :)
Monday, August 25, 2008
Oh my!

I will let you all use your immagination for the rest of the story...anywho, she is snoozing away happy as can be and has even had the nerve to come nibbling around my paper scraps last night. I don't know why the words "cat lax" make me giggle, but they do.
On a happier note, here are some goodies I have picked up here recently.

A typewriter!!! Yay, I have been searching for one for a while and found one in a local antique store with a big ol' sale tag on it so of course I scooped it right up. It works great, but if someone has any info on where I can get ribbons it would be greatly appreciated :)
I also found a cute scale at the same shop

Some old patterns and vintage party favor cups

I went to Michaels to check out the new Martha Stewart Halloween stuff and came home with this cool metal sign...not MS but cool none the less.

The uber talented Holly gave me this pretty cool award...

Here are the rules:
(1) The winner can put the logo on their blog.
(2) Link the person you received your award from.
(3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
(4) Put links of those on yours.
(5) Leave a message on the blogs of the people you’ve nominated.
Here are my nominees:
Sarah, she has some major scrappy mojo going latley and makes me laugh...a lot!
Kara, the most talented 16 yo scrapper ever :)
Susie because she rocks the fabric like no one's business!
Jo my Anthro loving, Target shopping insanely talented friend
KA, where else can I go that I can read about okra, British cars named after her and the Olson Twins :)
Jenny because she has had the best Olympic coverage with her Domo plush and she has a pug.
ShellyHer blog is always a happy fun place.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
O.k., first things first...the new Urban Prep collection is available for pre-order at SIS. If you spend $50 in the Boutique, you will receive $10 off your next order. For the first time ever, the Collection is part of this fabulous deal!! Head over to the Boutique for details. Here are a couple of projects I did with the collection...
Yesterday we had our SIS crop at Craft Fancy and I can't even tell you how much fun it was. It was so cool to just sit and relax and work on projects and soak up everones mojo. My last crop I didn't get a whole lot done, but yesterday I was able to finish a couple of things. I have been wanting to try making an altered book after seeing the fabulous ones that Jo makes. I have to say, I am pretty happy with how it turned out!
I also got a LO finished...
and gave Korbyn a Harry Potter shadowbox I made for her. She is doing her baby's room all in Harry Potter which I think is the coolest thing ever!
Not much else going on around here...I am trying to cut Mt. Dew and the obscene amount of pop I drink out of my diet since I found myself pretty yucky lately...I am allowing myself 1 of these a day as a treat because they are so darn good!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

I will update with more later as I have to run to work....and hyperventilate!!!!